Savings on Autopilot

50% savings in 5 minutes.
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North dashboard

Used and Trusted by

Maximized Savings,
Effortless Integration


North leverages AI to optimize the best savings posture for your AWS usage.

FinOps CenterReservation ManagerNorthGPT

Our customers love us

And we also love them!


"I was genuinely impressed how we were able to get started with AWS savings in less than 24 hours from meeting with North."

Luke Malanga, COO
DataBiologics Inc.
Data Center Automation, Health Care

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Erik Ayers from GoodSeeker

"Right away I felt I could trust North, not only to help us save money in AWS, but to be partners in our business."

Erik Ayers, CEO
Brand Marketing

GoodSeekerBook a Demo
Ilya Iaskevich from eHealthCare

"Great service & quick way to reduce your AWS bill."

Ilya Iaskevich, Technical Ops Manager
Consulting, Health Care

GoodSeekerBook a Demo

Secure setup in 5 minutes

North requires a few clicks to set up, secured with a read-only permission to non-sensitive data.

No modifiation to instances

No ability to start/stop or change the instances

No access to any of your private data

Read the Docs

IAM Permissions

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
               "ecs:DescribeCapacityProviders" #fargate
               "es:DescribeReserved*" #opensearch/elastic search
            "Resource": "*",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Sid": "NorthCostAndUsageReadOnlyPolicyID"
North Startups program

Get 10k of AWS credits
for your startup!

North Startups program is designed to incentivize the most innovative companies in the world to build on AWS.

Get started by emailing

Have any questions?

Get in touch with our team to learn about your savings potential or ask us anything you'd like!

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